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1st membership in the Amicale

If you want to join the association for the first time,
please contact the Secretary first.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Membership renewal

If you are already a member and want to renew your membership,

prefer online renewal

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

or download the paper membership form corresponding to your situation:

renouvellement formulaire

Renewal of your membership

You are responsible for a group (associative or not) and you renew your membership of the Amicale, two scenarios:

1. Your group is less than or equal to 15 people, you pay the sum of € 30.00.

2. Your group is greater than 15 people, you multiply the number of people by 2.00 € to obtain the amount of your payment.


You are not a member of an association adhering to the Amicale and you wish to join as an individual, the price is 20 €


If you have never joined the association, please contact the secretary .

type de renouvellement :
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